Rawlicious Yorkville

Hilary and I visited Toronto today with the intention of going to the Tim Burton exhibition. There was a 2 hour wait in the cold so we decided to do some window shopping and then have lunch. 

Rawlicious is a living food restaurant in Toronto. Living foods are not cooked above 118 degrees- but often dehydrated at or below this temperature. Preparing food this way keeps nutrients and enzymes in tact and present. I have tried a living food diet a few times but have found that I do like to have cooked foods in my diet. I am so happy to have learned so much about preparing food in this manner because living foods are whole foods free of harmful ingredients, processing and preservatives. I enjoy raw food meals in my life fairly often and especially love raw desserts. 

This particular restaurant was located in Yorkville. It was a beautiful spot- open, colourful and generally just positive feeling.

Beautiful ingredients in the open kitchen 
Lovely and helpful staff! 
Delicious Hot Chocolate

Hilary enjoys a chocomint smoothie

Absolutely delish caesar salad with onion bread croutons
and pine nut parmesan.

Hilary had zucchini pasta with pesto, tomato sauce
and 'neat balls'. Yum!!!

Strawberry ice cream! Made with cashews
strawberries and maple! Wow!

I would highly recommend Rawlicious to meat-eaters, vegans and raw foodies alike. This place is a real treat and it feels 
good to eat



  1. sarah. you are an incredible photographer. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. thank you for sharing your delights.

  2. I am dying to try this restaurant! Beautiful pics lady! xx

  3. I LOVE rawlicious! It's right around the corner from my boyfriends place so I treat myself to super delicious smoothies and juices after a morning workout :)
    Great blog Sarah!!


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